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Sheriff places himself on “desk duty” in response to video

DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY|dewayne@mcnews.online
MOUNT IDA – Montgomery County Sheriff David White’s response to a video of a beer can in his patrol vehicle left a lot of residents upset at Monday’s Quorum Court meeting.
Judge Sammy Jones passed out copies of a letter Sheriff White delivered to him Monday morning. In the letter the sheriff stated that he did not engage in any wrongdoing or any activity that could be deemed a criminal violation. However, he did acknowledge that the video reflects negatively on himself, as well as the rest of the Sheriff’s Office and Montgomery County as a whole.
The video in question was posted to Facebook last week by Travis Evans. Evans filmed the video while being served legal papers for a case in Polk County. In the video Evans can be heard asking Sheriff White about a beer can in the patrol vehicle. The sheriff first calls it a Monster can, then stated that the beer can was an old spit can and later stated he had picked it up down the road.
In the video Evans follows White back to his vehicle and a Miller Lite can is visible in the door of the patrol vehicle.
When White states that the can is a spit can Evans asks him to pour it out to prove what is inside, but White never poured the contents of the can out on camera.
The Quorum Court held an emergency meeting Wednesday, February 9, a day after the video was posted. In that meeting County Judge Sammy Jones told the JPs that the office of county sheriff is a constitutional office and they could not fire the sheriff. He reported that legal council had told him that their only recourse would be to ask Sheriff White to resign. The JPs voted unanimously to ask the sheriff to resign.
During Monday’s meeting the county judge passed out copies of the sheriff’s letter to everyone in attendance. In the letter the sheriff stated that he was voluntarily placing himself on “desk duty”. He stated that he would be relinquishing his county vehicle and will not utilize it until further notice is provided. He also stated that he would be placing himself in an administrative role only and will not take part in the community act of law enforcement.
The Sheriff’s letter stated that he was taking these actions to make it easier for county law enforcement officers to do their jobs.
Sheriff White did not offer to resign as requested by the Quorum Court.
County Judge Sammy Jones opened the floor for comments. Some questioned the Quorum Court’s inability to fire the sheriff while others shared allegations of other alleged incidents of misconduct by White and the sheriff’s office.
Prosecuting Attorney Jason Barrett stated that there is not a recall vote available in Arkansas, nor can a county sheriff be impeached in Arkansas. They can be removed by a circuit judge but there are very narrow parameters that have to be met. These include maleficence, gross immorality or the committing of a felony.
Sheriff White was not present for either Quorum Court meeting.
Sheriff White’s letter reads:
February 11, 2022
Mr. Sammy Jones
Montgomery County Judge
105 Highway, 270 East
Mt. Ida, AR 71957
Dear Judge Jones and the Montgomery County Quorum Court:
I wanted to address the recent video that was posted and was the topic of the recent emergency meeting of the quorum court. I maintain that I was not engaged in any wrong-doing or in any activity that could be deemed a criminal violation. Still, I need to acknowledge that the video in question reflects negatively on my personally. Due to that, it has also reflected negatively on the men and women of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and Montgomery County as a whole. I am sorry for that negative depiction and for the fact that it is now harder for the good people at the Sheriff’s Office to do their jobs. They are good officers who care greatly about this county, and that is how they should be treated.
Given these facts, I am hereby taking the following actions to make it easier for them to do their jobs. First, I am relinquishing my county vehicle and will not utilize it until further notice is provided. Second, I will agree to place myself in an administrative role only and will not take part in the community act of law enforcement. In essence, I am placing myself on desk duty.
It is important to note that I am voluntarily giving up these duties. As you are aware, I am an elected constitutional officer and not an employee of the quorum court, nor do I believe that the video is grounds for my removal from office. I note these points in order to make it clear that I am voluntarily giving up these duties. I do this for the sole reason of helping my deputies and this county regain faith and trust in their law officers.
David White
Montgomery County Sheriff
In other quorum court business:
The Quorum Court approved a transfer and appropriation ordinance for calendar year 2021.
The Quorum Court approved an ordinance amending projected revenues and appropriating funds to county library budget.

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