Cortez J. Copher
Regent (of Montgomery Co.)
First- (Sitting) Mary Carpenter from Slidel, Louisiana; (Standing) Third regent- Cortez James Copher, Second Regent- Dotty Kinnun. – Photos by Kay Dye
The James K. Polk Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution of the Mena area celebrated their 10th Anniversary on December 12. The event was held in the Daisy Room of Janssen Avenue Florist from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There were three guests and thirteen members attending. After lunch, the group gathered for group pictures, and the meeting started at 1:00 p.m. Out-of-town guests were Charlotte Jeffers, the ASDAR Caddo District Director from Arkadelphia, and Mary Alice Carpenter, the first James K. Polk Regent in 2009 now a member of St. Tammany DAR Chapter in Slidell, Louisiana. Another special guest was the James K. Polk Chapter photographer, Kay Dye, from Cove. The 10th Anniversary Celebration was called to order by Regent, Cortez James Copher, a 1956 graduate of Norman High School. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ann Garrett, Second Vice Regent, and the opening prayer was given by Jane Simmons, Chaplain. Cortez introduced Dotty Kinnun, Registrar and Honorary Regent, as the Mistress of Ceremony.

The first part of the program was presented by chapter member, Carolyn Hanna. Her topic was “The Founding Mothers of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.” She explained how the Daughters of the American Revolution was started because the Sons of the American Revolution refused to let women join their organization. On October 11, 1890, the founding mothers held the first meeting on Columbus Day because it was through the interests of a women, Queen Isabella of Spain, that Columbus made his discovery of America.
Secondly, a brief memorial service was held in honor of the five members who had passed away during the last 10 years: Eva Furr, Margaret Shepard, Natalie Ricketts, Eloise Davis Stobaugh, and Judy Boyle. A photo of each was hung above the mantle. At a chime sound, the name of each deceases member was read, and DAR members Era Looney, Mary Alice Carpenter, Ann Garrett, Linda Craig Evans, and Brenda Cunningham placed a red rose in a vase on the mantle under the pictures.
The third part of the program was “The Beginning Years” of the James K. Polk Chapter – 2009-2012 presented by Mary Alice Carpenter, the organizing regent. The second part of the chapter history, “Carrying On,” was presented by Dotty Kinnun, Regent from 2012 through 2018.
In Closing, Cortez Copher, Regent 2018- 2020, thanked the guests for coming and the members for their work and support in the planning of the 10th Year Anniversary. All DAR members were asked to turn on their luminary candles and raise them high to honor their James K. Polk DAR Chapter. The cake which looked like the first cake in 2009 was cut by Alice Carpenter. Dotty Kinnun and Cortez Copher distributed the cake to everyone.
The next meeting is January 16, in the Polk County Library at 1:30. The speaker will be Joe Mannon with a presentation of “Washington and the American Democracy.” Ladies interested in becoming a member of the DAR are invited to attend. For more information, contact Dotty Kinnun, Registrar- (479-437-3111)