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Jeanne Olufson announces the release of ‘Cracks in the Sidewalk’

MOUNT IDA. – Author Jeanne Olufson takes the lessons of her own experience of abuse to offer hope for survivors and show that the heinous cycle can stop in their lives, sparing the next generation. “Cracks in the Sidewalk: Secrets of Abuse from a Child’s Eye” (published by Trafford Publishing) is her candid story, remind- ing readers that they are not alone. To purchase and know more about the book, readers can visit https:// www.amazon.com/ Cracks-Sidewalk-Secrets- Abuse-Child%C2%92s/ dp/149079574X.

“Abuse reaches into succeeding generations and touches almost every- one in some way,” Olufson says. The book describes

those far-reaching effects through her gripping story — a young, resilient Mormon girl from Utah who has faced a mother’s abandonment, a father’s oppression and a step- mother’s brutality, stabi- lized only by the enduring love of her grandparents. The book also demon- strates how her early abuse affected her adult life and critical choices, which in turn affected the lives of her children. Olufson is candid and open about her own failures and the chal- lenges to overcome it all.

“It is a true story from the viewpoint of a child and how she dealt with the emotional and physical abuse she suffered. It also shows the reader the stark difference between good parenting and bad with the results of both in the little girl’s early life and then how it affected her as she matured into adulthood,” Olufson explains. “There are many types of abuse,

and the more light we shine on it in all its perni- cious forms, the more we can root out the causes and bring it out of the shadows to stop it.”

At its core, “Cracks in the Sidewalk” highlights the impact of one’s actions to a child’s life and warns to always treat children with respect and kindness. Further, it reaches out to those who are or have been targets of abuse with some available support to end the destructive cycle.

“I encourage my readers to use my story and life experiences as a sounding board to examine their own lives to gain sup- port, see where they can improve if needed, or find the empathy and tools necessary to help someone else,” the author adds.

“Cracks in the Sidewalk: Secrets of Abuse from a Child’s Eye”

By Jeanne Olufson

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 266 pages | ISBN

9781490795744 Softcover | 6 x 9in

| 266 pages | ISBN 9781490795720

E-Book | 266 pages | ISBN 9781490795737

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Jeanne Olufson writes under a pen name to pro- tect her former stepsister and brothers. She is a re- tired special education/ social studies teacher, a watercolor artist, mother and grandmother. She lives with her husband, Bob, in the Oachita Na- tional Forest in Arkansas. Together, they are building a new life among the won- derful people in Arkansas and the exquisite wildlife and beauty found there. Under the name Helen Olsen, she has published a young adult fantasy/ real-life adventure called “Curse of the Putrid Pit” that teaches honesty at any cost.

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