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Montgomery County News, Arkansas - MCNews.online

Hayden Powell and Caddo Cowboys hosts launch party on Front Porch this Saturday

Hayden Powell and the Caddo Cowboys will perform on the Front Porch Stage Saturday, September 11. This will be their launch party for Hayden’s song “Rio Grande” that is available online whereever you listen to music.
The concert is free as always and will begin at 7 p.m. You are asked to bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on.
The Back Porch Kitchen will be open as well. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a true country and western musical band.

Hayden Powell and the Caddo Cowboys

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Glenwood Chamber invites businesses to join Christmas Decorating Contest

DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | dewayne@mcnews.online The Glenwood Chamber of Commerce invites local businesses to join the Holiday Fun with their Business/Storefront Decorating Contest. Local businesses are encouraged...

Community Coffee raises lung cancer screening awareness

DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | dewayne@mcnews.online MOUNT IDA – A Community Coffee was held Tuesday, November 19, to highlight lung cancer awareness. The event was hosted by...

Lions one game away from War Memorial Stadium

DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | dewayne@mcnews.online MURFREESBORO – The Mount Ida Lions are one win away from a trip to War Memorial Stadium and a shot at...


Glenwood Chamber invites businesses to join Christmas Decorating Contest

DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | dewayne@mcnews.online The Glenwood Chamber of Commerce invites local businesses to join the Holiday Fun with their Business/Storefront Decorating Contest. Local businesses are encouraged...

Community Coffee raises lung cancer screening awareness

DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | dewayne@mcnews.online MOUNT IDA – A Community Coffee was held Tuesday, November 19, to highlight lung cancer awareness. The event was hosted by...

Lions one game away from War Memorial Stadium

DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | dewayne@mcnews.online MURFREESBORO – The Mount Ida Lions are one win away from a trip to War Memorial Stadium and a shot at...