While delegates gather virtually to decide how best to oppose President Donald Trump in the upcoming election, a group of local supporters quietly plan a rally to show their support for the sitting Commander in Chief.
Local President Trump supporters have planned a boat parade on Lake Ouachita to show their support for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in the upcoming election. The parade will be held on Lake Ouachita Saturday, September 5.
All boats are welcome to participate in the parade. They will gather between Points 15 and 18 just north of the main bay in front of Mountain Harbor. All participants are asked to gather at 10 a.m. and the parade will begin at 10:30 a.m. The parade route will make its way along the north shore towards Shangri-La and Lake Ouachita Shores.
Event organizer Mike Fitzgerald stated that all the necessary permits have been obtained from the U.S. Corps of Engineers and they are ready for the event. He shared that he wasn’t sure how people would respond to the event, but has been overwhelmed with support from the local community.
The event should be well attended President Trump receiving 74.26 percent of the vote in Montgomery County in 2016. A similar event in Hot Springs drew about 400 boats earlier this summer. With COVID-19 making rallies difficult to attend with social distancing directives in place, a boat parade offers a safe opportunity for supporters to gather and show support for their candidate of choice.
For more information, please call Mike Fitzgerald at 870-867-4827. You can also keep up with the event through their Facebook page, Trump Boat Parade on Lake Ouachita 2020.