PENCIL BLUFF – Sometimes Farming is just in your blood and that is the case with the 2021 Farm Bureau Montgomery County Farm Family of the Year, Perry and Paula Sing.
The Sings raise cattle on their farm located on Highway 270 just west of Pencil Bluff. Perry and Paula have been farming in the current location for around 15 years, but they have both worked on a farm their whole lives.
Perry stated that they both grew up on farms. Paula grew up in Oden while Perry grew up in the shadow of Mount Magazine. When asked what they enjoyed the most about farming, Perry simply stated, “It’s a way of life. It’s all I’ve known.”
The Sings raise cross-bred cattle. Raising cattle comes with it’s ups and downs. Perry shared that you have to worry about unpredictable winters and disease. He pulled up a photo on his phone of a cow was carrying a calf. She had appeared healthy one day and the next was dead. It’s hard work, but it’s the life they have chosen.
He hasn’t always raised cattle full time. He said that he has had to work jobs away from home in the past, but finally accumulated enough that he could stay home and farm full time. Paula has recently went to work at Oden School in the cafeteria.
They started with 80 acres of rented pastureland and now work over 600 acres. They currently own 220 acres, but lease an additional 400 acres. As with most cattle farmers the Sings also harvest and bail hay.
As if Perry didn’t have enough to do on the farm, he started a livestock transportation business in 2014. He currently own two trucks and trailers and also leases a cattle pot trailer. He hauls out of McGrew Livestock in Glenwood every week.
The Sings have three children and four grandchildren. Perry has a son named Perry Sing Jr. Paula has one daughter, Chelsie Pearson and one son Bobby Jones. Chelsie has two children Ashtyn and Scarlett. Bobby and his wife Taylor have two children Olen and Evie.
Congratulations to Perry and Paula Sing, the 2021 Farm Bureau Montgomery County Farm Family of the Year.
2021 Farm Bureau Montgomery County Farm Family of the Year – Perry and Paula Sing